Abigail Musser
My daughter, Abigail Musser, was 86 days old when she passed away in July of 2017. She was a twin birth, born at 33 weeks. We found out about her diagnosis while I was 20 weeks pregnant and never expected that the worst in our lives was to come.
She quickly lost amniotic fluid and her kidneys were growing rapidly in size. After she was born, she was quickly rushed to the ER where she spent many long days and nights. Her lungs were collapsed and she was on an oscillator. She was too small to survive a transplant.
Eventually, I sat down with her doctors and had to make the hardest decision of my life. Due to the huge size in her kidneys and cysts, she was having several altercations. We made the decision to withdraw her health and have the breathing tubes removed.
God gained an angel, and we now do tons of research and hope to find a cure so others hopefully won’t have to go through this very traumatic event.