I have survived Polycystic Kidney Disease for nineteen years. Having family support has been critical to my health; my brother-in-law, a better match than my family, was my living donor. His kidney donation was the most meaningful gift I’ve ever received.
I am a fourth generation Ofiara with PKD and the only one who has lived past seventy. Now, I want to link the past to the present. My goal is to trace the entry of the Ofiara Clan from immigration (the 1880s) to now, and I hope other members of the Ofiara clan will pick up and continue this idea of connection across time.
If you are a descendant of any Ofiara, I would love to hear from you. If you are not a descendant but have PKD, I would still love to hear from you. We all have a story to tell! Email me at pkdclanofiara42@gmail.com and tell me yours.